Wednesday 21 August 2024

21/08/24 - Harborne and Edgbaston for Part of Birmingham Pub Trail

Birmingham's Poshest Suburbs Delivers its finest City Walk

A "village feel" to today's walk. Harborne and Edgbaston feel suitably different to Birmingham and each other to make you feel you are not in a city.

Harborne has a fine collection of pubs and restaurants and indeed its own pub run. CAMRA do a fine alternative, with an equally high number of pubs. 11 too many for all people other than those called Alan.

Edgbaston is the more secretive and exclusive of the two. The grand houses hidden behind walls that contain more bricks than my house. All down to the Calthorpe Family, who wanted development but with none of light industrial units we get everywhere else in Brum.

For centuries, Edgbaston was a rural manor owned by the wealthy Calthorpe family, who played a significant role in its development. The Calthorpe Estate, under the family's control, was instrumental in shaping Edgbaston, carefully managing its growth to become a residential district for the wealthy, characterized by large, elegant homes and extensive gardens. The 19th century marked a period of significant growth for Edgbaston, especially with Birmingham's expansion as an industrial city. Unlike other areas that became industrialized, Edgbaston remained a leafy, affluent suburb, attracting Birmingham's elite.

4 Miles from the City Centre, I am dropped off by the 23 bus in bustling Harborne. Buskers on steel drums. More than one group trying to convert me to a new faith or other. A short walk to pick up the disused Harborne Railway line. A hidden walking gem, as you pass high through housing estates and low under the Hagley road.

Harborne Walkway
Birmingham Rambling

The walkway delivers me to Summerfield Park, where it doesn't take long to arrive at Edgbaston Reservoir. A complete circuit for the Adventure Lab Cache.

Edgbaston Resevoir
All around the water

As usual, the AZ Hidden Walks does a fine job of pointing out the unusual. Who knew lawn tennis was invented in Edgbaston? Tolkien, as usual, gets a mention. His school, the Oratory. The Peace Pagoda new to me.

Peace Pagoda, Birmingham

Egbaston and we can start the pubs. I feel that the Physician deserves a revisit. I was last here during the height of Covid Hospitality Vagueness. App usage and a long wait for a pint is going to pee off any boozehound.

Today, a far more sedate experience. Access to the bar and wondering what shape the five handpulls are going to be in when cocktails are the order of the lunch. The Timothy Taylor Boltmaker was in perfect condition and where better to enjoy it on a one of the gaggle of Chesterfields centred around the (unlit) fire.

The Physician, Birmingham
Typical of Edgbaston Architecture
The Physician, Birmingham
Always aim for the comfy seats

Would I come again. Date night or an interview, which lets face it, are exactly the same thing.

Birmingham CAMRA take me utterly leftfield next, to High Field. Can there be a pub in Birmingham that I have not heard of? Maybe not, this is a restaurant but WhatPub explains its inclusion.

Modern bar and restaurant in the heart of Edgbaston. While the focus is on food, at the front is a separate bar serving up to three cask-conditioned beers.

Two GastroPubs on a Wednesday Lunch. This from a man who ate his ham sandwiches on a wall outside. 

High Field, Birmingham
Fish Night Wednesday.... Pig awaits its turn

Posh streets and the university grounds take me back to Harborne. Decision time - which two to revisit? The Hop Garden would have been my default choice but not with 4pm mid week opening. Many love the Plough and even if I did get a social media apology, I have never got over the well short measure I received on my first visit. Harborne Stores would have been a good choice to see if the cheapest non-JDW pint in town is still available. But I came up York Street and couldn't walk past the White Swan.

May have been a mistake - yes its a proper pub, with proper pub punters but the smell in the bar (chemical cleaning products?) was enough to make my eyes water. And who stuffs Three Tuns into an Abbott pot?

White Swan, Harborne
Nice Pint, honest

No debate on my last choice. I love the Junction. In a nice bit of symmetry, a Timothy Taylor on a leather studied seat. This time Lanlord and a booth. 

Absolutely first class. With the 23/24 bus stop opposite.

The Junction, Harborne
Harborne's Finest

Bliss in comfort

Walk Details

Distance - 8 Miles

Walk Inspiration - AZ - Hidden Walks in Birmingham Walk 7 and BRM CAMRA Pub Trail

Previous Birmingham AZ Walks - Walk 1 & 2Walk 3Walk 4Walk 5, Walk 6

Pubs - 4

Geocaches - 5 and an ALC

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