Saturday 25 June 2011

25/6/11 - Caching in the Nether Regions

Distance - 4.7 miles
Caches - 13, 1 DNF
First Cache
Interesting World War 2 Building - A false airfield

Netherton, Worcs

I have the house to myself this morning.  Alex is at a sleep over.  Ellie is still going to work.  And today, so is Sonia.

So how will I entertain myself.  I could make a full english breakfast and watch the rest of Spiral.  I could dress up in Sonia's lingerie and dance to Madonna in the living room.  As there are no sausages and its too much of a squeeze, I decide to stick with geocaching.  Although I do throw a few shapes whilst convincing the dog this is a good idea before leaving.

Pershore is a goldmine for caching - there always seems to be new trails popping up and this one, around Netherton, is by the same person that put together the Peopleton one completed last week.

It really is a straightforward route - taking in green lanes in an almost complete rectangle.  There isn't a great deal to look at - apart from the magnificant Bredon Hill on the soutbound stretch.  I prefer this hill to the Malverns, as you get a great view across to the Malverns from here.

This is all on the flat.  The dog looks typically bored, as I keep looing for the boxes.  Today, I attempt as many as possible without the clues for a bit of variety.

Not enough for a swim at "Bridge the Gap" cache

First views of Bredon Hill.... Molly can't take her eyes of them

On reaching Netherton farm, we head along a bit to find the route back.  The one cache that I could not find (and there is always one) is on a building.  This has an info board and it was a WWII decoy bunker to confuse the Germans into thinking it was Pershore Airfield nearby.  Pershore was bombed twice and this once, so it added some value.   Had a good look around, but no joy.  You can enter the bunker and I did, for that authentic Blair Witch feeling.  I think the horse in the field was laughing at my fruitless search.

Confusing Jerry
Back up Smokey Lane to the car.  Thanks again to jayvon for helping me achieve my 100 caches in a calendar month.  I am about three off and have a trip to Goring, Berkshire in the week which looks like cache heaven.

On the way back, I go through Pershore town and there are a group of Morris Dancers performing.... now there is an idea for a hobby and my Madonna moves may not have been in vain.

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