Tuesday 2 July 2024

02/07/24 - Joining the Ramblers for a Chaddesley Corbett Circular

They had me at Bathams

After much deliberation, I've joined the Ramblers. Officially, I joined after the walk.You are allowed to try a couple of walks before committing to the monthly fee of less than a small Americano. No hesitation after this, my first outing.

And it all nearly ended before it began. 10:30 meetup at the Swan at Chaddesley Corbett. A Bathams pub. I simply needed that little extra motivation to join up. 10:15 and I am sat in the small car park to the side, all alone, looking out for anyone in fleece or Goretex. It's 26 minutes past before I notice a man with a map case walk past. Transpires there is a much bigger car park on the opposite side of the pub, where I find 18 other walkers and a dog all ready to head off.

There was a fad in the 1930s for "mystery walks". I asked AI if it knew what they were;

"Yes, the mystery hike craze of the 1930s was a popular social and recreational phenomenon during the Great Depression. These hikes were organized as a way for people to enjoy outdoor activities and socialize without spending much money. The idea was simple: participants would gather at a designated meeting point without knowing the destination of the hike, which added an element of surprise and excitement."

I am in the hands of the walk leader, not knowing where we are off to. On my own little "Mystery Hike".

It was a straightforward walk around the Worcestershire Countryside. The only break from crop fields was the first stop off point for "Elevenses" at Drayton Pool. Next time, I am bringing my flask. And a sitting mat.

Drayton Pool, Worcestershire
Drayton Pool - for tea

Post Lunch Ramblers
Post Lunch Ramblers

The walking was as expected - much slower than I would go solo, but of course, much more sociable. Over the six miles, you mingle with other walkers at different stages. One lady had enough boiled sweets to start her own shop but was keen to share. One lady shared ironing tips to this newly retired man. Don't bother, her advice. But the highlight of the day was eavesdropping three ladies discussing Jude Bellingham's Euro celebration. The other two hadn't seen it but the story teller did not hold back on miming the actions.

At the conclusion of the walk, I knew that to pay for the car parking, we would be using the pub. I broke stride, making sure I was first to the bar and grabbing prime beer garden location.

Bathams at the Swan, Chaddesley Corbett
Waiting for the Ramblers

On return home, my next walks have been booked and the direct debit signed up.

I am now a proper Rambler.

Walk Details

Distance - 6 Miles

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