Saturday 29 June 2024

29/06/24 - Mare and Colt, Summerfield

From a 200 Year Old Coaching House to a Chef and Brewer

Inspiration from my oldest series of Pub Books. Published in the 1960s and separate books by counties. Sometimes, even the counties have disappeared, let alone the actual pubs.

How much in new money

With a couple of hours spare, I chose a local survivor. The Mare and Colt, on the outskirts of Kidderminster. The route would take me around four sides of the new build Spennells estate. I had low expectations for the walking, but pleasantly surprised. Good sandy footpaths, pretty Captain's Pool (must be home to Kiddy's Des Res's), a nature reserve and back along a railway line.

Captain's Pool, Kidderminster
Captain's Pool
Spennells Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve - contains cows - 3 is not a herd
Kidderminster Viaduct
... looms, like a bird of doom

Onto the pub. The 1960s description showing that things were better in the old days. Who wouldn't want Sherry served straight from the wood?

And old school opening hours

Today, its been gastro'd to within an inch of its life. The signs proclaim "Fizz Friday". With Lemonade at £4.20 a pint, I can only guess with horror at the cost of a bottle of fizz. A very tidy beer garden, but you've got to admire the bulldog spirit of the punters utilising it. Shouting at their colleagues above the roar of the A449 traffic.

Mare and Colt, Kidderminster
60 years of progress
Mare and Colt, Kidderminster
Soft furnishings and wine racks

All as anticipated from a Chef and Brewer but it's always important to get something out of the day. An unexpected sign in the entry with a QR code to a handful of local walks.

Local Walks from the Mare and Colt
"The best hobbies are the ones that make you realize how much time you’ve wasted on them."

Walk Details

Distance - 3.5 Miles

Geocaches - 0

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