Monday 17 June 2024

17/06/24 - El Vino. The Olde Wine Shades

A list completed.

February 2020 and I had the grand plan to tick off the 12 best pubs in London according to Len Deighton's 1967 book, London Dossier.

A couple of things got in the way..... and I cannot entirely blame a pandemic for the length of time it took me to get to this final tick. Actually, I can. Since Covid, I have been on permanent WFH and never visit London (or any other City) for business on a working day.

El Vino is closed on weekends.

So ironically, as even WFH comes to an end for me, I am in London on a Monday for the first time since 2019.

Timeless London
How I miss my expenses

Is El Vino a pub? Len includes it because of its array of;

Rich ruby port and thin, pale sherry, burgundies and clarets...

Beer may not be a selling point but in one of the few buildings that survived the great fire, who actually cares? Next check list? London's oldest Wine Bars.

The Olde Wine Shades, London
Established 1663

Although we could do with some other punters. What happened to skiving bankers, journalists and barristers?  With the exception of a liveried server, I have the place to myself.

All the better to take photos but I do miss the illicit thrill of boozing with fellow deserters.

It all cosy, homey and of course, amongst the wood paneling, there is a Dickens Room.

By the count of the number of pubs I have visited that claim his patronage, he was the original deserter.

The Olde Wine Shades, London
Wood, wood, as far as the eye can see
The Olde Wine Shades, London
Dickens was here

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