Tuesday 17 September 2024

17/09/24 - Wythall to Yardley Wood for the Shaking Hand in Shirley

Proper Retirement Feels

Sat in (possibly) the last of the 2024 sun, sipping a 2:30 pm on a Tuesday Siren Craft Brewery Memento, I probably felt that I had made it in life. But how did I get here?

Don't worry, this won't be a blog on "Just In Time" manual reading before client meetings. Just how did I get here today.

A morning out with the South Birmingham Ramblers. All I know is where (Wythall Train Station) and when (10:03) to meet. Where we go is in the hands of the Gods. Well a God. Called Chris. Who has completed a reckie walk, has a register (first one I have been one, before you ask) and completes a health and safety talk before we head off.

A lovely green corridor of 4 miles, mainly on the North Worcestershire Path and a short stretch along the River Cole.

South Birmingham Ramblers
Heading off on the North Worcestershire Path

Trittiford Mill
Nearing the end at Trittiford Mill Park

Lovely. 1pm and off for a first visit to nearby Shirley for a couple of Adventure Lab Caches (ALC) and a Good Beer Guide tick.

The first ALC tells the history of Shirley. Making it sound like a South of Thames hinterland of criminal activity. Most of it centered on the still standing Plume of Feathers.

After reading that bio, it would have been rude not to visit. Even if I had low expectations from a Stonehouse Carvery.

The Plume of Feathers, Shirley
However impressive it still looks

The only crimes that I can report today are the complete lack of cask and whatever the hell happened to Stella Artois. Today's advertising campaign would have to read simply "expensive". 

I was that upset I couldn't bring myself to enter the second stage for a Sizzling Saracens Head. An equally ancient and handsome coaching house now gentrified for the family dining experience.

Instead, I head off past the new build 'spoons to find the 2pm opening Micro Pub, The Shaking Hand. Unsure whether this is a reference to Delirium Tremens or an act of friendship. Certainly the latter I find from my be-bracered barman, who responds to any query with "Not a Problem". A good choice of Cask, Keg and "Tinnies". I first settle on a cask Best Bitter and an Irish delicacy.

Shaking Hands, Shirley
Perfect Lunch
As the solo customer, I fail to lure any other punters in, although I do hear a few refusals. From the wives of shoppers who respond to pint requests with "if you really have to". We all know the correct answer to that.

Time to reflect on whether I have made the recent correct career choice.

A locALE New Intervention Brewery (Walsall) Cosmic Coast confirms that this life is much better than endless Microsoft Teams calls. Although I do miss the terror of putting the wrong message in the wrong chat window.

And as if the day couldn't get any better, a seamless public transport connection gets me home bang on time.

Walk Details

Distance - 4 Miles

Geocaches - 2 x ALC

Good Beer Guide Tick - #985

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