Thursday 12 September 2024

12/09/24 - Benetts Arms, Semley

More Beery Bad Luck

Our week on the Dorset/Wiltshire border has not been without its beer bad luck. We've had a suspiciously non-golden pint of Exmoor Gold. We've had pubs advertised as being open all day tragically close at 4pm. We leave it to the last Good Beer Guide pub of the week to get things back on track. But you can probably tell where this is going.

First, our circular walk from Semley. Map reveals clues to its history, with the Castle Ring Hill Fort labelled at the midway stage. A geocache tells the story of plague and the village in lock down, Eyam style. A little digging into the pub history tells that the nearby railway station was built explicitly to whisk milk down into that there London.

And then there's the church. Its as if they couldn't decide whether to have a turret or a spire. So went for both.

Semley Church
Semley Church
Semley Plague Stone
Geocaching GZ

No pictures of interest from the walk - a mixture of lanes, arable land and dense woodland. 

We arrive at the Benetts Arms just after midday opening. A farmhouse style pub that's been in operation since 1867. Sits on the biggest village green in Wiltshire. Inside, its a two room affair, a tiny bar and another area for dining.

Benetts Arms, Semley
We went bar and watched the locals on lunchtime G&Ts

Three hand pulls on and after much deliberation and some well intentioned questioning, I went for Salcombe Life Saver. I was sold on the description of a copper colour, strong bitter. What we've found this week in Wiltshire is that the the beers in this part of the world are either from Salcombe or Exmoor Ales. There cannot be any hope for Arkells. 

The bar-staff failed to mention the slight tang of vinegar and the distinctly non see-through haze in the glass.

Suspicions confirmed when the minute that the I moved away from the bar, out came the screw driver to remove the clip and ten minutes of pulling through the the next barrel.  

Whilst she was looking directly at me, you might have expected a replacement pint to be offered. 

I should have complained. 

But the chips were nice. 

Note to future self. Next time in Wiltshire, sod the Good Beer Guide and concentrate on the chips.

Walk Details

Distance - 5 Miles

Walk Inspiration - Mike Power Pub Walks in Wiltshire and Avon

Geocaches - 1 

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