Monday 4 July 2011

4/7/11 - Off to Find the White Ladies of Aston

Distance - 3.2 Miles
Caches - Found 10 of 12
Advice for next cachers - wear long trousers

White Ladies

Summer evenings - there is no excuse for sitting at home, waiting for Ellie to pass the remote control after all the soaps have finished.  I have alternative entertainment just waiting to be discovered.

White Ladies Aston is a small parish just out of Worcester.  There is a new series of caches that have been laid that demonstrate an advanced glimpse of what this hobby can be about.  We have fiendishly conceived caches - all with a story from the historical archives from the parish.  There are clues, but there is little to no point reading them as they dont add a great deal in the search!

I looked at the descriptor for the first one - it was simply "don't be shy".  I have been thinking about it since it was placed a couple of weeks ago and took Alex with me for assistance.  We went in search of a coconut, which was the only thing I could think matched the clue.  Unsurprisingly we ended up with a DNF.  We are the first caching team to achieve this, so at least we can be proud of something.

So how did I get Alex to come with me?  I had to promise not to take any "Gormy Photos" of him for my blog.  Well, I took one when he wasn't looking.  And then he got into the swing of it.

I refuse to be photo'd caching
This was the scene at cache 3... easily the most ingenious.  Fantastic - although it does beg the question on how you can take 12 caches of variable sizes out to be laid.  Must have brought a wheelbarrow.  Also - who lost the M reg plate down by the stream?  Where is the rest of the car?

The walk is a touch overgrown in lots of places, so we would recommend that summer shorts are avoided.  There are some nice paths through fiels of wheat, which is always a pleasure when the farmer leaves you a broad track to walk through.

How to get through this?

Find the broad path
Animal count is limited to horses, ponies, donkies, sheep and a duck with a better afro than Emma's friend down the stourport canal.

Nice Barnet

Pleasurable walk - after number 1 DNF, we had number 10 where we did not look as we weren't paying attention to the paths.   The call of the Nightingale was too loud and we were spitting feathers.  (We didn't eat the afro duck, we were thirsty).

Thanks to  WalkingWood  for the inspiration to set them up and when I have time, I will go through the stories.  And if you want to tell me where I was going wrong looking for a coconut in Worcestershire then let me know at :-)

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