Monday, 10 March 2025

10/03/25 - Attempting a Pub Crawl in Aston/Witton

New App off to an inauspicious start

It was the far superior Micropub Adventures blog which brought the bar-crawl app to my attention.

Inspiration around the country for future days out.

Bar Crawl App
Search by City

An easy to read interface that will launch google maps for turn by turn directions.

Bar Crawl App
A clutter free map

And (potentially) the best bit..... real time information on what is actually open!

Bar Crawl App
Could be the killer feature

Finding myself in the dead pub hell hole that is Lichfield Street, Aston and the decidedly crawl unfriendly time of Monday Lunch, I thought I would put it to the test.

It wasn't the app's fault that ill-behaved Cardiff fans had put the front windows through of the Manor Tavern through, following last weekends FA Cup game.

The Manor Tavern, Aston
Glaziers Van

The Glazier insisted the pub was open, but the fed up looking landlady questioned my health and safety assessment about whether I would want to drink in the fresh air, inside.

I moved on to the frankly bizarre Aston Tavern to ask the question "When is a pub, not a pub?". A) When you have to press a buzzer to gain entry and B) when they have no beer.

The Aston Tavern
Nestled in the shade of the Aston Expressway

Despite the A board stating they are open, all beer lines were being cleaned before Wednesday's big European game. FC Bruges are in town and we know how the Belgians love their beer.

I managed to negotiate entry on the premise that they had bottles. A first ever Koppenberg Mixed Fruit Cider, with the visit saved by the £3.30 Poppadom packets.

The Aston Tavern
Country's most patriotic Chesterfields

The App successfully identified The Holte as closed. Attached to Villa Park, it looks like it only opens on match days. They have obviously dealt with Cardiff fans before. The plate glass windows protected by plastic.

The Holte, Aston
Holte Enders In The Sky

The most successful visit, The Witton Arms. A large Irish Pub, where Guinness is a bargain £3.85 Mondays to Wednesday. This is Cheltenham Festival week and I had time to consider how little change you would get from a tenner at the races this year.

The Witton Arms
The one car in the carpark with a WBA number plate made me giggle.

Not the best area for a pub crawl but a decent introduction to the app which worked well.

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