Distance - 2.5 Miles
Days/Nights - 2
Pubs Visited - 6
I find myself in Guernsey for a couple of nights and set myself a mission to find the best pint in St Peter Port.
Preparation means that I have the CAMRA Good Beer Guide Pubs from 2017 and 2018 for St Peter Port programmed into Google Maps.
The quest is not as easy as you think for a place that has 6 entries over the last couple of editions of the bible.
The Red Lion, furthest out, is tackled first. But nobody minds walking along a seafront under clear blue skies.
Bracing |
The Red Lion, Les Banques, Spitfire
I get an impressive view of this sea front boozer from the top of a gun emplacement.
The Red Lion from the top of a bunker |
Central bar covers the two rooms, with back room bar and a front room lounge, where I find myself with three friendly locals who announce it "national moaning day". At first I think surely there cannot be anything to moan about. But then I am underwhelmed by the single hand pull available. Even more underwhelmed when I get my pint - I don't remember Spitfire being quite so murky.
All that's available |
Quite liked the pub. Unobtrusive TV showing the snooker and a collection of newspapers to read. The unique chance to enter a Meat and Crab Raffle.
Come back Friday for the Crab |
Pickled Pig, Lefebvre Street, Butcombe Original
A walk back along the sea front and the uphill over the shops to find this bar that's in the 2017 Guide. It's part of a posh hotel and set in a pretty courtyard, with a sign showing the two words that put the fear into any pub ticker. GASTRO PUB.
It's a Gastro |
Inside its all dark wood and tables setup with wine glasses and napkins. There is one long high table for drinkers. Again, choice is limited to a single handpull, but I got on much better with the Butcombe Original.
Perfect Presentation |
The Golden Lion, Market Square, Glamorgan Brewery Thunderbird
Third time lucky and I strike gold with a proper pub that has a choice. Some might say too much choice, with around 8 handpulls on. I spot Spitfire and Black Sheep amongst the options but a never before seen Glamorgan Brewery Thunderbird is selected.
All lined up in a row |
There's an attempt at live music with a multi instrumentalist banging out one song on the piano and then a second with the guitar. She gives up, as its obvious that the only person providing any encouragement is the oddball pub ticker from the comfy chesterfield seat. The lonely sound of one brummie clapping.
Pick of the 3 - The Golden Lion |
Day 1 over, I'll try again on Day 2
The Prince of Wales, Rue de Manoir, Patois
This might win the prize as the most handsome pub in St Peter Port.
The Prince of Wales from the Sunken Garden |
It's a bit of a strange setup. On the opposite side of the road is a lovely beer garden, perfect for the conditions. They don't sell real ale at the bar there and the queue is massive, so I head into the cellar bar of the building seen in the picture.
They have one ale on - and its the local brew, Patois. You are not allowed to take your pint over to the beer garden as they don't have a licence for the road.
So I sit in the gloomy bar, alone, listening to the bonhomie from the other side of the road.
And the pint? A ropey, murky mess. If I had known more about the beer, I would have sent it back. Instead, I look at photos on Untappd to see if this is how its meant to look. It appears so.
The latest of several dodgy looking pints |
Cock and Bull, Lower Hauteville, Butcombe Rare Breed
Final two in town are directly opposite each other. But which to tackle first? It will be the one with the live music blasting out that has the most atmosphere, just in case the band stop playing. There's no danger of this..... they're still at it when I leave the cornerstone after 11pm.
Cock and Bull by night |
It's not an ordinary band either. Its a full Irish Orchestra of double figure participants. The sound is fantastic and for the first 30 minutes, you think you have found the best pub in the world.
The beer is good, the songs are rollicking, you can even keep your eye on the Arsenal result from the upstairs TV.
Then the songs get a bit repetitive and its all a bit annoying. A strong need to head next door for some respite.
The 30 minute racketeers |
Cornerstone, La Tour Beauregard, Black Sheep
10:50pm and I burst through the door that has three friendly patrons huddled around the bar. The governer states that he is about to close up but can serve me a drink, if I am quick. Such is the level of customer service, he is forced to catch the Black Sheep overspill in his hands, having already removed the drop trays..
The good news is that I have found the best pint on the Island.
I will probably pop back during next week's visit, just to make sure and get better photos.
Close of Play Cornerstone |